
happy spring!?

So, my last post was in February. What the what?! I guess I've just been a teeny bit too busy with school and work and I'm not really sure what else, mostly just nonsense that takes up way more of my time than it should. Doesn't that sound fun?
I don't really have a whole lot to blog about, unfortunately. However, in my "busy-ness" I have had time to procrastinate on things and discover really funny/cool/entertaining blogs! So yay!

Like, these people have some real writing talent. Not to mention most of them have the ability to make me laugh my ass off with every post, which c'mon, that's really all that matters. Entertainment factor people!! I wish i had lots of readers that I could entertain...or even just a few. How does one go about getting readers anyways? I mean, I just wanna be able to make people laugh with my mindless stories, because that's what I've discovered from many of these blogs, and it's just so cool to be able to make a difference for someone you don't even know and will probably never meet. I hope I'm not the only one amused and fascinated by that whole aspect of the blogosphere.

Let's see if I can give a brief run-down on my life since Feb:
-It finally stopped snowing and the whole icky, frozen weather seemed to dissipate
-April turned into a really awesome month because we got an entire week of 75 degree weather! Which is pretty unheard of for early spring in Michigan
-Michigan then proved what a cruel mistress she can be by promptly throwing us into gloomy, 45 degree "spring" weather
-I finished my second year of college
-I decided that the job that was slowly killing my soul is now destroying it at a much faster rate...so there's that
-Then I decided to be all over-achiever-y and take some spring classes. How grown-up of me right? Did i mention that the damn things last 4 days a week until the end of June? Eff.
-Now It's back to gloomy, rainy weather yet again. Even though it is now officially mid-May. Seriously, Michigan can be so bitchy sometimes.

Ok, I just realized that run-down was basically just talking about school and the weather. I swear my life is a little more interesting than that...it really is. But I lack the attention span and the patience to further try and recall the last two months. Hopefully I'll be back into the swing of the whole blogging thing.