

three things i've discovered this week:

-according to studies, happiness and the ability to be happy in life is based on these three factors: 50% genetics, 40% action/choosing to be optimistic, 10% life circumstances. isn't that neat? i'm making a strong effort to be a more positive person this year and focusing on being happy and doing things that make me happy. i think it's interesting to know that such a little percent of happiness depends on what you're actually going through in life. so even if you're having a real awful time of it, there are still things that can make you happy.

-there are 95.9 million single americans currently..so i'm not the only one?! i'd say that's pretty encouraging as well. although i'm pretty happy with things i wouldn't complain if i happened to stumble upon a manfriend. apparently there's a lot of them out there!

-i think that i'm absolutely going to love my advertising class. in fact, i'm pretty optimistic about all of my classes this semester, but especially this one. my professor is very excited about teaching and she used to do p.r. work for the government in dc..which in case you aren't caught up, i very much want to do some day. i thought that was pretty grand.

so there's that. this week wasn't half bad afterall.

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