
pursuit of happiness?

that's what it's all about right? the pursuit.
finding what makes you happy beyond all reason and then doing whatever it takes to make that happen on a (hopefully) daily basis.

then why does the pursuit feel so damn exhausting sometimes?

i have no idea what i plan on doing with my life. no clue. sure, i have inklings, possible ideas, yet nothing seems to jump out at me. nothing feels like it could make me happy to the point of obnoxiousness. and that is, afterall, the point. to be so happy and fulfilled that others want to punch you in your face because you're so annoyingly peppy.

not that i'm not happy. i just want to find a way to make the pursuit feel much more worthwhile. i'm sure i'll look back one day and realize how monumental and life-changing everything was; realizing that everything happened a certain way in order to get me to the great place i'll be at that point. but is it too much to want a little more clarity? a dash more excitement to make things seem a little less mundane? i don't think so.

regardless...i'm thankful for the pursuit. i just don't want to waste the opportunity.

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